Come worship with us Monday March, 8. Call Lindsey for directions
Come worship with us Monday March, 8. Call Lindsey for directions
Last week Daniel Eric Groves band came and ministered at the Go Internship. It was a powerful worship service, and a refreshing time with God! Click here for more information and check out the CD!
Daniel Eric Groves band performing worship
The band prayed for all the interns and staff
Daniel Eric Groves band at Go
Last week Dan Stone, the youth pastor of Common Ground Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma came and spoke to the Interns. Read below to see what Dan shared: RPM:
R = Result. What do I want? We never find a result unless we "must". There is a difference between things we "should do" and things we "must do". Most people will not change until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change. Don’t ever let it get to that. If you can ever do something, you can do it right now. Time is irrelevant. Have laser focus. Find accountability.
P = Purpose. If you have a purpose you can buy into your own vision better. “Try” is the battle cry of losers.
M = Massive Action. Take massive action in the direction you want to head.
Make your “shoulds” into “musts.”