

The hungry.

The diseased.  

Victims of human trafficking.

It is these people who cry out for justice in the world.  

What will be our response?  


Do we turn a blind eye?  

Do we become paralyzed as we allow the enormity of the problem to overwhelm us?  

No. Not our generation.  Not on our watch.  We will take a stand for those who can not stand for themselves.  We will act.  

If you are ready to defend those who have no voice, if your heart cries out to bring change to those who desperately need it, then we invite you to join the Justice Tour. The Justice Tour is a multi-year, multi-nation movement that seeks to unite believers from around the world for the cause of justice.  This tour is comprised of many short term trips, that when completed will have made it’s way through six continents. The trips of the Justice Tour will consist of; orphan ministry, prison ministry, medical clinics, public rallies, concerts, school assemblies, creative campaigns and work with children and women who have been trafficked.  The tour seeks to meet the needs of these people and to bring change to the world. Whether you join us for one of these trips or commit to join us on all six continents, we believe that your participation will make a lasting impact for justice in the world.

The Justice Tour kicks off summer 2014 in the center of the world in the nation of Ecuador, as a symbolic gesture of bringing justice to the heart of the globe. Together, as a rally cry for justice we will begin the tour with a prayer rally in the Mitad del Mundo (Middle of the World) where we will worship and gather with other believers in prayer for the nations; asking God to hear our cry and bring Justice to the people of the world.  

Justice for those who are trafficked

One of the areas of  emphasis for the Ecuador Justice Tour will be  in Quito’s nightlife district where you will work directly with the many street children who are trafficked each weekend from surrounding villages.  Many of these children are forced to sell items on the streets, steal, or are sold as sex-slaves.  These children are forced to work late into the night trying to meet quotas for their traffickers.  Most are sold by their families for the weekend for around $10.  Our team will work directly with Go International’s follow up team on the ground and seek to build long term relationships with these children.

Justice for the unreached

There are people that have never heard the name Jesus. As an American this may seem a little hard to believe; our reality offers a Bible on every bookshelf and a church on every street corner. However, the reality in the surrounding villages of Quito, Ecuador is drastically different.

Surrounded by the Andes Mountains, the rural country side is filled with loving people eager to hear the message of Christ. During the trip, you and your team will travel to villages and minister hope to these precious people.

Justice for the AIDS Orphans

Mother Teresa once said, “Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.”

Imagine being born into this world with an incurable disease, only to be abandoned by your mother and father. That is the reality of a group of children that live in an orphanage for children suffering with AIDS. For this portion of the trip, the Justice Team will travel outside of the bustling city of Quito and spend the day ministering to these precious children, playing games, and showing them the love they are desperately longing for.

Justice in the streets

We believe that sharing our faith shouldn’t be religious, but should be part of a natural dialogue. It’s a much different approach than the standard question of “If you were to die tonight where would you go?”.  It is our aim to empower you with tools that will allow you to demonstrate the Love of God in an approachable, normal, and yes-- even cool way. At Go International we believe in shining God’s love in the darkest of places and bringing hope to those who desperately need it most. During the Tour, you will participate in a variety of creative campaigns in the streets of Quito.  These campaigns seek to create a dialogue with others and nudge them closer toward a walk with Christ.  (Click here to see some of our past campaigns.)

Justice as a lifestyle

Our role in the world is not merely to participate in a one time event, but rather to take up the banner of Justice as part of our lifestyle. We are passionate about equipping you with the tools you need to bring Justice back to your hometown.  Everyday will begin with a session designed to inspire you to reach new places in your walk with God. Trust us, the sessions aren’t going to make you want to curl up and take a nap- but will get you ready to go out and do what you’ve always dreamed of doing. It’s not about hype we are focused on empowering you to help people, and in turn, awaken a newfound passion for God in your heart.

Justice should be fun

We believe that if you are going to travel the world then you need to see it too.  Home to the Amazon River, Andes Mountains, and the Galapagos Islands; Ecuador is the perfect backdrop for your South American adventure. During your downtime you can straddle both sides of the hemisphere at the equatorial line, tour the city and visit historic Old Town, shop in local markets, or even climb one of the many nearby mountains that overlooks beautiful Quito.  

Ready to go?

If you have ever wanted to go on a mission trip, then this is the trip for you.  At Go International, we are serious about providing a quality, impacting mission experience for our team members.  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing us HERE.  

Ready to take your stand for Justice? Apply today by filling out the form below:

If you would like to be part of giving towards this cause CLICK HERE to donate.  

*Prices are subject to change based on market conditions at the time of booking flights.