Trip Price: $2,700*
*Price does not include: Passport fees, spending money, vaccines, or souvenirs.
Payment DATES
Deposit and Travel Release Form: Due Upon Acceptance $250
The deposit should be made payable directly to Go International.
Payment 1: March 8th $300
Payment 2: March 30th $500
Payment 3: April 21st $500
Payment 4: May 12th $400
Payment 5: June 2nd $400
Payment 6: June 16th $350
We understand that often the most difficult part of any endeavor such as this is raising the funds. We recognize that taking the first financial step is always the hardest but we have found that when people remain faithful and committed throughout the process their funds come in. Don’t let the seeming enormity of what has to be raised paralyze you. Take small steps daily and you will accomplish your fundraising goal.
There are two ways that people can make donations to your account (All donations are tax deductible regardless of payment method):
1). Online: For your convenience we’ve provided you with an online crowdfunding platform to aid you in your fundraising efforts. You can create your own fundraising profile that is equipped with progress bars so donors can see where you are at in your fundraising campaign. This platform also allows donors to donate on a monthly basis to your trip.
To get started collecting funds online, CLICK HERE and then click the "Join Team" button. From there just follow the prompts. You'll notice that there is already some template content provided to you. Please update and personalize your page. You may also want to personalize the "Thank You Email" that will go out to your donors.
Once you have created your fundraising page you can link it to blogs, social networks, and eblasts. These funds will be deposited directly into your YNG Ecuador account minus the transaction fee charged by the credit card company and Classy which is generally about 5%-7% depending on the card the donor pays with. Please note that your progress bar on Classy shows the total that donors have given without the fee deduction. Your true balance will be reflected on the reports that Go International will send to you.
2). Checks: Donors can make donations to your account by making checks payable to Go International. Any cash donations you receive will need to be converted to a money order or check. Instruct donors to send checks directly to you. Mail the checks along with any other donations to: Go International, PO Box 701711, Tulsa, OK 74170. With each group of checks sent to Go International you will need to mail a completed “Go International Payment Slip”. This ensures that your funds will be credited to your account.
In addition to using the crowdfunding platform you may choose to do some traditional fundraising as well. Fundraisers are a great way to raise money for your trip and get people involved in what you are doing. Below are some helpful guidelines that will make fundraising as successful as it can be for you.
Always have a goal in mind. If you are going to have a car wash don’t just stand there with buckets in hand, set a goal. As people drive by hold signs that say, “Help us meet our goal of washing 50 cars today”! If you are selling something, ask people to meet a specific goal: draw a big thermometer and color it in as the goals are being met. This gives people a direct place to get involved.
Be creative! Creativity is the key to successful fundraising. Ask God for innovative ideas and strategic ways to raise the money for your trip.
Pray. Thank God for supplying all that you need and for surrounding you with favor.