What is ministry to you? That was the first question that was presented to us by Keith Wheeler today. As we’ve grown up we all have shaped our own idea of what ministry is, and for that matter, what life is. All to often it is easy to get caught up in what you are doing in your life and what you are doing in “your ministry”. The work, the numbers, and the “mask” we display when others are around us. With this thought in mind Keith then directed us to this scripture: Hebrews 12:2 – “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…”
If we claim that the ministry we do is our own, are we not taking attention away from Jesus? Keith made a bold statement and, in my opinion, an honest one. No man leads people to Jesus; it is in fact, Jesus who draws all men unto the Father.
In my life I have often complicated some of the simplest things. One of those things is the idea of ministry. Ministry is not a profession or even an overseas trip you take once a year. Ministry is the overflow of a life lived in love with Jesus. In other words, ministry is a lifestyle, and one we are privileged to live.
I would like to leave you with some of the questions that he asked us. As you read these please take time to ask yourself what they mean to you.
- What is ministry?
- Is ministry something you do or is it something you are?
- When does ministry become entertainment or vice versa?
- Is Jesus your goal and your pursuit?
Written by Apprentice David Solomon Visit Keith's Site at: www.kw.org