Go Weekend 2010

Simply put, this year's Go Weekend can only be expressed with one word: “Amazing”. Who knew that in such a short amount of time so much could be accomplished? As one of the interns, Brittany Norris put it: "It should've been called, 'A lifetime's worth of lessons in one weekend' weekend."  Starting Friday, the interns quickly took hold of the core values that were presented to them and established friendships without hesitation. Continuing into Saturday they showed the love of God through various outreach opportunities and leadership challenges that stretched their abilities to new lengths. Lauren Bruhn, another first year stated that: "Through the Go Weekend, I slowly let myself accept the beauty and uniqueness that God gave me! Ahh, it was like a breath of fresh air.” It was evident that not only were people's lives touched in Kansas City, as well as the members of our team. As it ended on Sunday, it was apparent that a new family had emerged and that this year's group of Go Interns had a new energy and momentum! We are expectant to head into the year with this group of wonderful people who are willing to dedicate themselves to reaching others!
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