These past couple weeks all of us here at GO have been setting the majority of our focus on fundraising money for the Mystery Trip coming up in January. Today was our deadline for the one thousand dollar payment- it seemed to sneak up on us very quickly. I was expecting to walk into the offices today and feel an uptight atmosphere, but I was surprised when I felt an environment of celebration. God is faithful, and we got our money in! As we celebrated each other’s success, we shared stories of unique fundraising techniques, divine conversations, and miracles that we experienced. Today, 2 Corinthians 5:7 (we walk by faith and not by sight) became real to me. I really love this quote by Gail Dever: “Keep your dreams alive. Understand, to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember, all things are possible for those who believe.”