Mystery Trip Update: Day 1

After 27 hours of traveling, three plane rides, and a stamp in our passports, We, Go International's staff and interns, have safely arrived in johannesburg, South Africa.

Although, it was a long journey to South Africa, the interns are ecstatic to be here. In fact if it was up to them, we'd probably start ministry right this second. Listening closely to the chattering going on amongst the interns, one can gather that they have high expectations for what is going to happen in the city of Johannesburg.

Tomorrow is a new day, full of possibilities. With passion in their hearts, the interns will face tomorrow, as the apostle Paul did in Acts 6:9, when the Lord said, "Go into the city, and I will tell you what you must do." As Paul did, the interns are trusting that the mystery is going to unfold in a beautiful and adventurous way.

The story of the mystery will be continued. Tomorrow.