Mystery Trip Update: Day 8

Throughout this entire trip we have seen many facets of God’s love. Through the Dream Campaign we saw His passion for purpose in the lives of people. For the Forgiven Movement, we witnessed His forgiveness impact the lives of those we encountered. During the hand full of other ministry opportunities, we saw His grace and loving kindness turn a few short moments into appointments of destiny. This evening, we caught a glimpse of another side of God’s love- His power. Throughout the day and into the evening the team took part in a powerful crusade that affected the lives of many S. Africans. In the midst of all the laughter and dancing, a simple message of love and healing was presented to the locals and following that people came forward to be healed. God’s mercy is always humbling and His love doesn’t disappoint. Many individuals came forward to praise God for their healing and thanked Him for His grace. Among all these healing miracles was another one, a different one. It was the team rediscovering the compassion that God birthed in them long ago. Throughout this trip, one step at a time, God has slowly unveiled His love in us. As we opened up our lives to the people of S. Africa we no longer kept a “safe distance” from those around us. We were exposed and broken- to be built again. Staring Need in the face the team extended their hand in love instead of letting fear pull it back. The process of love once again amazes us and we thank God for it.

Johannesburg Ministry from Go International on Vimeo.