Go Friends,
I'm writing to you from about 20,000 feet in the air. Christa, Zion, and I just spent a week with her family to attend our brother Sean's wedding. It was great to spend time with the family before we make our move overseas.
There has been much progress made since we first announced our big move. We have leased our house with a one year contract, liquidated most of our office furniture/equipment, sold much of our household items, and made a huge dent in our funding campaign! In addition to this we concluded a year long contract we had working with a local church, Sanctuary.
All this, to say we have systematically been uprooting our lives as we prepare to establish new roots in a new country. It has been quite the process to sort through all the stuff we've acquired over the years. Perhaps the most difficult thing has been emptying our Go storage unit and sorting through the remnants of all the various campaigns, events, and trips we've been involved in over the years. To anyone else it would seem like an old brochure on the ground but to us we remember the first meeting we had with our staff deciding where we should go, and what the trip should be named, and what kind of design we were going for. Every item we saw had a story attached to it and cumulatively our warehouse of "stuff" represented thousands and thousands of man hours put in by our amazing team! In the end that is truly what the hard part of this move is, leaving behind so many great people who have made Go what it is. I came to Tulsa 13 years ago knowing only one person and I leave having established so many incredible relationships I will take with me the rest of my life.
We feel somewhat like Abraham in this move.
In the same way God instructed Abraham to lay down his dream of being a father to many nations by sacrificing his son Isaac, we feel that God is asking us to lay down a dream he had given us many years ago by ending our internship program. We feel a new dream being birthed and while we are excited about what lay ahead, there is temptation to hold on to the past. We know however that our future is not in the past so we forge ahead into this new season!
There are a few lessons that I've been reminded of in this process that I will pass on to you.
• Be fully present and engaged in your current season for you never know when you will transition into another
• "Things" are just "things". It is the people in your life that are of true value.
• A God given dream must never become bigger than the God who gave you the dream.
• "What" you do is not nearly as important as "how" you do it or "who" you are.
• Life is not static, it's dynamic. Don't miss today's opportunity by holding on to yesterday's.
Thank you for being part of this journey with us. We will spend the next few weeks visiting family and completing our funding for the year. We fly to Ecuador oct 8!
If you would like to join the Go International Operation support team you can do so for just about $1 a day. Click here to help us launch the South American mission base.
God bless you all
Greg, christa & Zion