It is difficult to find a few words to accurately depict one of the most tremendous adventures of my life. Submerge was exactly that, an adventure of a lifetime. Now that I’m back in the States, I find it harder adjusting to “normal” life than it was adjusting to life in South America. There is something so harmonious about the lifestyle of Ecuadorians that, even with the language barrier, you instantly feel at home. The way people unabashedly embrace one another is an art they have mastered and a large portion of the world has forgotten.
Sadly, generosity is something we usually have to talk ourselves into, but these extraordinary people welcome you with open arms without giving it a second thought. An adventure awaits you--whether it’s the beauty of the people and the striking scenery you will encounter everyday, youʼre hiking one of the mountains that surround the city, maneuvering your way through the markets, or learning how to salsa from the locals.
One of the most important lessons I have learned in the last three months is to value experiences that you know will cause you to struggle, because those are the experiences that are worth pursuing. It is a struggle living and ministering with a small group of people. It is a struggle adjusting your habits to a foreign culture. It is a struggle experiencing the horror of poverty and disease. It is difficult, but it is worth it.
No amount of words could even begin to prepare you for the things that are waiting for you in Ecuador, but I can guarantee you unparalleled adventure, lifelong friendships, creativity, and memories you will never forget.
I can guarantee you won’t return home the same. You will be stronger, wiser, and more aware of what you crave from life. You will begin to live in a way where your thoughts about others far outnumber your thoughts about yourself and discover, it is the only way to live.
To find out more about Submerge and how you can be involved CLICK HERE.
To view photos of Lauren and other Submerge members CLICK HERE.