Yesterday our friend Paul Klein released his latest single "I'll be Home for Christmas" on iTunes. To download this or other songs by Paul CLICK HERE. We recently caught up with Paul to discuss music, dreams, and life:
Q: Tell us about your last release: In addition to this Christmas single, I released a worship record titled "Heart and Soul" on iTunes September 25th of this year. I started writing for the project in January and went into the studio in May.
xmas art final 7
Q: Where do you find your inspiration? I find inspiration in almost everything. But, I try not to stop at just being inspired. Once something inspires me, I HAVE to figure out what it is specifically about that certain song, photograph, or moment in time that triggers that inspiration. If I can answer that question and then transfer that information into my own art, I can [hopefully] pass on that inspiration to someone else.
Q: What advice would you give someone who is aspiring to step out and follow their dreams? Start! If starting isn't the hardest part, then staying the course is. Your dreams are going to lead you down a path of inevitable discouragement, doubt, and frustration. You will finally come face to face with the defining question - "how bad do I want it?" Your answer to that question correlates directly to the fulfillment of your dreams.
Q: What has been the most challenging part of pursuing a career in music? As an independent artist, the main challenge I am [currently] facing is getting my music heard by people outside my circle of personal friendship/relationship. But, before exposure, the challenge was, and is still, the quality of my songwriting and production - a challenge that I look forward to embracing for as long as I live. And, after exposure, it will be financial sustainability. The challenges are never ending.
Q: What do you do to press on during challenging times? During challenging times, I think it's natural [although not beneficial] to look at the "success" others are having and begin to compare yourself to them. Don't do that! I can't think of anything more unproductive. You have 24 hours every day to become a better YOU. Tomorrow, your goal is to be better than you are today.
Q: If you were to describe "your dreams coming true" what would it look like? I want to play music around the world with my best friends. I can't think of anything better than doing what I love, with the ones I love, for the One I love. That's cheesy, but it's seriously all I want.
Q: What would be your "Dream Collaboration"? I'd love to write a song with Marty Sampson. I don't know if this counts as a "collaboration," but I'd love to have a 10 minute conversation with John Mayer.
Q: What do you use as creative stimuli? Being active outdoors does wonders for my creativity and productivity.
Q: Any recommended reads? I really need to read more. "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon is an excellent book.
Q: What band is currently most played on your iPod? Paper Route's most recent record "The Peace of Wild Things" is mint.
Q: Most treasured possession? Sadly, my laptop is really, really valuable to me. Every idea of mine is stored somewhere on that hard drive.
Q: Is there a scripture you would leave with readers to encourage them? James 1:2-4 seems to be quite relevant to our topic of discussion. "Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way."
Connect with Paul twitter and instagram name: @pauljasonklein facebook music page: website:
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