Your first insight into Project Panama 2010 is here! Follow Jon and Matt each week as they reveal more information about the beautiful San Blas Islands and the wonderful natives that live there, the Kuna Yala Indians.
Guest Speakers: Susi Taylor and Barbara Arbo
“The spirit of God gives us direction in our life,” Barbara Arbo declared confidently.
“Seeking and waiting on God is wonderful, but nothing in life will come about unless you act on it; action is key,” stated Susi Taylor.
Reading these two statements next to each other might not seem consistent, but hearing their messages one after the other proved otherwise. This past Thursday we were fortunate to have these two women of God speak back to back. Each of them brought unique insights into the meaning of what it is to live for God. Even though they are from different parts of the country with two different messages in mind, they somehow wove together beautifully.
To start us off Mrs. Arbo expressed the importance of relying on God and his direction for our lives, which is made known through His spirit and His word. She often exclaimed that even with all of our knowledge and insight we still often don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Lets be honest, following God’s purpose for our lives isn’t the most obvious route to take. I believe that is the very reason God’s word repeatedly tells us to trust in Him. That is the beauty of a relationship with God… we don’t have all the answers, He does. We rely on Him solely and continually.
Waiting and relying on God is wonderful, but there is much more depth than that when it comes to God. A key part of trust is action. How can you truly trust in God if you don’t DO what He asks of you? Just as it says in James 1:22 – “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” The direction of God is essential and the faith to act on it is indispensable as well.
I want to take one last turn and finish with a statement made by Susi Taylor, “What you look at the longest, becomes the strongest… keep looking at those dreams and most of all keep chasing them."
Written by Go Apprentice: David Solomon
For more information on these speakers visit:
Barbara with husband Stephen
Susi after speaking at Go
Photo of the Week - by Katie O'Toole
Guest Speaker: Tom Newman
Last week we were fortunate to have Tom Newman, the director of Impact Productions, speak with us. His insights into life and the impact our lives make in others were priceless.
If you were to imagine your life as a book what would it look like and what chapter would you be in today? Maybe each chapter would have certain significant events that took place in your life. When you take a look at those chapters do you begin to notice God’s presence in it, however subtle? The fact is we are all born with a mission or a sense of purpose, but we determine how or if we are going to live it out. Still think that it’s a little strange to look at our lives as a story?
Let’s take a look at Jesus’ ministry in Mark 4:1-13. In this passage Jesus told the people a parable about the kingdom of God. Now if you have looked at Jesus’ ministry much in the Bible you notice this reoccurring theme of telling stories. Why did Jesus do this? He knew people would relate to stories and in turn learn from them. I believe that is true with our lives. Our lives and our stories are valuable to others. The fact is we don’t know how many are reading the “story” of our lives whether it is through everyday interaction or through a passing greeting. Nevertheless they are there. Please take a moment to ask yourself what story God is telling through your life?
Let me leave you with a statement made by Tom Newman…
“God has given us a front row seat to the story He is unwinding and that story is our lives.”
Written by Go Apprentice: David Solomon
The Open House. March 29, 2010
If you've ever considered joining the Go Internship or interested in finding out what we're all about, join us at our next Open House Event. During Open House you can have a look around our Offices, meet the founders, Greg and Christa Baca, the Staff, and this year's current Interns. This is the perfect time to have your questions about the program answered.
Open house begins at 4:00PM from 4:00-4:15pm tour the offices and take a look around. From 4:15-5:00PM Greg & Christa will be sharing about the program. Hear from current interns about the direct impact the program has made on their lives. Feel free to bring a friend or two, grab a starbucks on the way over, and come chill and hang out.
The offices are located:
12814 S. Memorial
Suite 121 & 122
Bixby, OK 74008
Go International is hosting its first Charity Art exhibit; entitled: Pure. This exhibit is benefiting Go Internationals summer humanitarian project for the Kuna Yala Tribe in the San Blas Islands. Right now, 1.1 billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean drinking water. That’s one in six of us. Can you imagine living your whole life without ever drinking a glass of clean water? For the Kunas, unclean water isn’t just a statistic, but a daily reality. The San Blas community has a plentiful supply of water, but no way to get it clean. As a result, early infant death and widespread disease among the Kunas is rampant. Last summer, Go International installed a fresh water purification system which provided clean water for three islands, home to about 3,000 of the Kuna people. This summer, Go International will return to the islands and install additional fresh water systems in the islands with the greatest need.
You have an opportunity to help make a lasting change in the lives of the Kuna Tribe. All proceeds from the “Pure” exhibit will go directly towards the cause. Come out and show your support and join us for a night devoted to art and justice.
Cover charge: Donation. Loose Leaf Co. 328 East 1st St Tulsa, Ok 74120
Read more about Project Panama 2010 at:
Keith Wheeler Speaks at Go
What is ministry to you? That was the first question that was presented to us by Keith Wheeler today. As we’ve grown up we all have shaped our own idea of what ministry is, and for that matter, what life is. All to often it is easy to get caught up in what you are doing in your life and what you are doing in “your ministry”. The work, the numbers, and the “mask” we display when others are around us. With this thought in mind Keith then directed us to this scripture: Hebrews 12:2 – “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…”
If we claim that the ministry we do is our own, are we not taking attention away from Jesus? Keith made a bold statement and, in my opinion, an honest one. No man leads people to Jesus; it is in fact, Jesus who draws all men unto the Father.
In my life I have often complicated some of the simplest things. One of those things is the idea of ministry. Ministry is not a profession or even an overseas trip you take once a year. Ministry is the overflow of a life lived in love with Jesus. In other words, ministry is a lifestyle, and one we are privileged to live.
I would like to leave you with some of the questions that he asked us. As you read these please take time to ask yourself what they mean to you.
- What is ministry?
- Is ministry something you do or is it something you are?
- When does ministry become entertainment or vice versa?
- Is Jesus your goal and your pursuit?
Written by Apprentice David Solomon Visit Keith's Site at:
Go Worship Night
Come worship with us Monday March, 8. Call Lindsey for directions
Daniel Eric Groves Band Worships at Go
Last week Daniel Eric Groves band came and ministered at the Go Internship. It was a powerful worship service, and a refreshing time with God! Click here for more information and check out the CD!
Daniel Eric Groves band performing worship
The band prayed for all the interns and staff
Daniel Eric Groves band at Go
Dan Stone Speaks at Go
Last week Dan Stone, the youth pastor of Common Ground Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma came and spoke to the Interns. Read below to see what Dan shared: RPM:
R = Result. What do I want? We never find a result unless we "must". There is a difference between things we "should do" and things we "must do". Most people will not change until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change. Don’t ever let it get to that. If you can ever do something, you can do it right now. Time is irrelevant. Have laser focus. Find accountability.
P = Purpose. If you have a purpose you can buy into your own vision better. “Try” is the battle cry of losers.
M = Massive Action. Take massive action in the direction you want to head.
Make your “shoulds” into “musts.”