
Go International is hosting its first Charity Art exhibit; entitled: Pure. This exhibit is benefiting Go Internationals summer humanitarian project for the Kuna Yala Tribe in the San Blas Islands. Right now, 1.1 billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean drinking water.  That’s one in six of us.  Can you imagine living your whole life without ever drinking a glass of clean water?  For the Kunas, unclean water isn’t just a statistic, but a daily reality.  The San Blas community has a plentiful supply of water, but no way to get it clean.  As a result, early infant death and widespread disease among the Kunas is rampant. Last summer, Go International installed a fresh water purification system which provided clean water for three islands, home to about 3,000 of the Kuna people. This summer, Go International will return to the islands and install additional fresh water systems in the islands with the greatest need.

You have an opportunity to help make a lasting change in the lives of the Kuna Tribe. All proceeds from the “Pure” exhibit will go directly towards the cause. Come out and show your support and join us for a night devoted to art and justice.

Cover charge: Donation. Loose Leaf Co. 328 East 1st St Tulsa, Ok 74120

Read more about Project Panama 2010 at: www.gomissions.tv