Mystery Trip Update: Day 7

What is our calling? Despite our age, ethnicity, culture, occupation or whatever else you may want to throw into the mix, our calling as Christians is to "proclaim the mystery of Christ".

The Mystery Trip. How did it get its name? To start, the destination is a mystery. But more importantly, on this trip we get the opportunity to "proclaim the mystery of Christ".

In Colossians 4:3 Paul writes, "And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ." The interns were given an opportunity, or as the Apostle Paul would say, "an open door" to share the message of Christ with a group of people who are in desperate need of the love of God. The interns returned to the squatter camps to minister to the people of Cape Town. However, this time, the interns had a chance to go perform powerful dramas at the local community center. Armed with a microphone and speakers, the interns dispersed throughout the community to invite people to come to watch a "presentation". It wasn't long until the community center was filled with adults, teenagers, and little kids who were eagerly waiting for the dramas that were about to be performed. The team, performed skits that shared the simple message of Jesus, showing that because of his deep love for us he came to save us by breaking off the chains of bondage, so that we could live freely. Moved by the dramas, many of the those in the audience accepted Christ into their hearts. As the interns, went around praying for people, one could sense the presence of God was truly in that community center. Light was being shined in the darkness. The interns continued their ministry as they spent time loving on the children, holding and dancing with them. Laughter filled the room, as the music blared out of the speakers, and everyone danced in a circle. The children clung to the members of the team, just wanting to be held and know that they were loved. Their faces were filled with the most beautiful smiles, as the team gave them their undivided attention. Though our ministry in the camps were nothing extravagent, realities were being changed. The people of Cape Town were coming to know the love of God. In this squatter camp, a place where most of South Africa finds unlovely, the mystery of Christ was being proclaimed.

Several things went on while the team was at the little center : Callings were being fulfilled. The mystery of Christ was proclaimed. And the kingdom of God was being expanded. Beauty was filling an area that had been deemed as "unlovely."

The story of the mystery continues, tomorrow.

Last Day in Cape Town from Go International on Vimeo.