Cambodia - Day 3

Over and over again we are beckoned as believers to be ambassadors of Christ. We are called to represent Christ on earth and move with purpose on His behalf. Today, the Go team truly took ownership of this title and stepped into their role as ambassadors of Christ as they ministered in the villages of Cambodia. The team started the morning off with dramas in a small concrete school. Squeezed inside the four walls, the Cambodians leaned in intensely as they watched the team perform dramas that told the message of Jesus Christ. After the dramas, the team went out into the crowd praying with individuals for healing. At this point the team had no idea the stirring that had already been going on before they had arrived. In faith, a woman who had heard about the team coming to the village, made the descion to skip work, believing that if she came to get prayer she would be healed. For years she had been suffering from a bad back causing difficulty in her daily routine. As the team dispersed throughout the crowd, a couple of the team members approached her to pray. WIth an eager and expectant heart, the woman agreed with the team for her healing. Within moments of praying, the woman started moving freely. With a smile on her face she started moving her hips and dancing; she had been healed. Her faith had made her well. For the rest of the service, the Cambodian woman danced with the team members, rejoicing for her healing.

Yet as the service drew to a close, the rejoicing did not stop. As the team moved outside to the fresh air, the woman continued to dance around, joining in a game of jump rope as she relished the healing of her body. Curiosity stirred amongst the other women as they watched the sweet lady dance around with joy. It was not long before members of the team sparked conversation with a beautiful woman who was 75 years old. She informed the team that at the age of 20 she had lost her sight due to cataract. The small group from the Go Team and the woman whose hip had been healed gathered around the blind woman and prayed for her healing. The team spoke with authority and called her healing into existence. As the team prayed, the cataract began to disappear from her eyes. By the end of their prayer, the woman's sight had been completely restored. For the first time in 55 years, the woman could see the world clearly.

These are only two of many stories from today; stories of healing, restoration, and salvation. Today, the team moved with purpose as they fulfilled the mandate of Christ; to love God and love people. The team has become ambassadors of Christ in the nation of Cambodia.

The story continues tomorrow...

Written By: Lindsey Clark Photos By: Lindsey Clark Video By: Josh Dagenette

Video from Day 1 of ministry:

Cambodia - Day 1 from Josh Dagenette on Vimeo.