Cambodia - Day 4 & 5

Breathe life. This ought to be something that we as Christians do on a daily basis; it ought to be a lifestyle. In fact, the Lord beckons us to be a source of life to those around us throughout scripture.

During the last several days, the Go Team has done exactly this. They have breathed life everywhere they went. Whether that be at the orphanage, villages, medical clinics, church services, or english schools. The Go team has made themselves available for the Lord to use. The team has been breathing life through not only their words, but actions, and their presence.

For the past 5 days something beautiful has been in the making; a bond between believers. It all started with one little girl who wanted a "God Sister in Christ". As team member Esther Gualtrieri unloaded from the vans the first day at the orphanage, she was quickly greeted by a little girl who latched on to her. There was a soul connection there as the young girl squeezed Esther tightly not letting go. As Sokhon, the team's contact, noticed what was unfolding he took a moment to share with the team that the young girl had approached him just days before stating that she had been praying for God for a "God Sister in Christ". God had answered her prayers; He brought her Esther, an American with a heart of passion for Jesus. The young girl looked up at Esther with admiration as Sokhon explained the young girl's desire for a God Sister. Without hesitation, Esther eagerly committed to being the young girls God Sister; committing to encourage her, pray for her, and be a spiritual example to her; essentially breathing life into her.

Day after day teenagers and young adults in the Cambodian Church approached members of the Go Team, asking if the Americans would be their God Sisters, Brothers, and Mothers. And each day with pleasure, members of the Go Team said "yes". The team was making the most of every opportunity and seizing the moment to breathe life into the Cambodians.

It has been such a beautiful thing to watch the relationships between the Cambodians and the Americans unfold. Throughout the New Testament, Christians are referred to as "brothers and sisters" and are urged to not only live lives pleasing to the Lord, but to also encourage one another in their faith. The New Testament Christians are encouraged to imitate the faith of someone they respect and of the Lord, that they may in turn become a model and an example to those around them and constantly be breathing life.

As our time in Kampong Thom comes to a close, it has been beautiful to watch members of the team step up to the plate and be spiritual leaders in our world. The team has breathed life into the people of Cambodia and is leaving a thumb print in this nation. Though our time here in the villages was short, much was accomplished. The team has gone out to the uttermost bounds of the earth preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, encouraging the believers, reaching the lost, and bringing restoration all in the name of Jesus. We can be assured that much will be accomplished in our absence, there is a generation of believers in the Church here who are seeking to create change in their world and become more like Jesus, who are ready to breathe life in their own circles of influence.

Tomorrow, the team will be traveling to the city of Phnom Phen to work with girls in the sex trade. Tomorrow is a new day with brand new possibilities. Tomorrow day will be yet another opportunity to breathe life to the people of Cambodia.

The story continues tomorrow...

Written By: Lindsey Clark Video By: Josh Dagenette