Go International

One God.

One God. Four simple words ignited the beginning of a beautiful story that would forever change human existence. "Let there be light". God spoke these words in the beginning of time. Have you ever taken time to just think about the fact that our God spoke these words and voila' it happened! Our God continued on creating everything that we see around us merely by SPEAKING it into existence. Our God's power is eternal (Romans 1.20) and his power is beyond our comprehension. His power and love not only created the heavens and the earth, but also saved us from the penalty of the law. Romans 5.6-7 says, "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, through for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him".

God's might and power is also demonstrated in the life of Abraham. With all odds against Abraham, God told Abraham that we would be the father of many nations by bearing a son. The odds of this actually happening were so outrageous that Abraham's wife, Sarah, actually laughed when she heard the angels tell Abraham this news. However, our God is faithful and powerful to follow through with his promises even against all hope. "Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, "So shall your offspring be." Without weakening his faith- he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead... Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised" (Romans 4.18-21). Through Abraham's life we learn that we ought to never let the circumstances around us determine what God can do. God has the power to come up against all hope and fulfill the promises that He has made.

Since we have been saved by grace and been adopted into the family of God as his sons and daughters we have access to what is the Father's, including his power. In Colossians 1.12-13, we discover that because we have been "rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of the Son" we have been therefore qualified "to share in the inheritance". We have access to the same power that brought the earth into existence and to the same power that conquered the natural and allowed Abraham to bare a son and become the Father of the nations.

There once was a time in my life that this simple concept did not seem so simple. I understood that I served a powerful God, but because I did not fully understand His grace and love I was incapable of understanding what was really mine as a child of the Most High God. I saw Jesus was making an impact in people's lives through conversations, miracles, and just by His mere presence. I began to evaluate my life, and I came to the conclusion that I wasn't creating an impact around me through any of those three areas. I set out on a journey of some sorts to become more like Jesus and to live a life like Him, one of influence and impact. Along my journey I realized the depths of God's love and grace for me, and I came to an understanding that as His child, I have access to the same power that Jesus walked in. I realized that I was limiting God in so many ways, I was putting a limit on His love, grace, and the inheritance that He wanted me to have. I remember being in Thailand when all this came into perspective for me, I was talking to a group of girls involved in the sex trade, and all of a sudden it was like "whoooosh" and everything began to make sense to me. God's love, grace, and the inheritance all became something that I took ownership of from that day on. I started living differently, I started living with an understanding of everything that the Lord had for me. I made the descion to walk in the power of God. I came back the states, and started breathing life everywhere I went. I was finally understanding that the power of God resided in me, in my presence, and in my conversations. Upon my arrival to the states and my new found understanding of God's power in me, I had a conversation with a girl I went to college with, we were talking about life and the future. She was telling me she wasn't at where she wanted to be in life, and out of no where my mouth started moving and I just started speaking life into her. The words that came out of my mouth that day were not my own, I knew in that moment that the power of God was pouring out of me. I had stopped limiting what God could do through me, an ordinary person, and was allowing myself to be a vessel that the Lord could use to work through. I allowed myself to see myself as He did, as His child, and took hold of the inheritance He has for me. I took the limit off what He could do through me and began asking the Lord to work through me whatever that looked like, whether through laying hand on people, through conversations, or my presence. Jesus walked the earth as an ordinary man, He was no different than you and I. He was simple. He was nothing great in the eyes of his peers. Yet, everywhere Jesus walked He impacted someone's life. He understood the power of God lived in Him.

We too must make the decision to walk in the power of God. We, as sons and daughters of the Almighty God, must truly realize that we have access to the power that separated the red sea, calms the storms, moves mountains, and heals the sick. When a son or daughter is adopted into a family, they have access to all the things that the father provides; food, security, the family name, wealth, and the inheritance. This simple concept is the same for us with God. God has adopted us into his family, which means we have access to everything that is His, even his power. In 2 Samuel 5.10, it says that David 'became more and more powerful, because the LORD God Almighty was with him". The Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so if He was with David, then He is and will be with us, causing us to become more powerful as long as we allow Him to work in and through us. The Word says, that we are His hand's and feet, the vessels which He is wanting to use in order to accomplish things on the earth. The Lord is beckoning us to begin speaking with the power He has given us, and stop being intimidated by the natural circumstances. He is waiting for us to begin speaking life into dead and empty places. Just as Jesus walked in the presence and power of God, so can we. Our mere presence can bring healing to the people that we encounter, we must just understand this and believe.

What would happen if we, the sons and daughters of the King, began to function as Jesus did and walk in the boldness, power, and presence of our God? If we actually started living and believing in the power that lives in us? I believe, that the presence of God would be too strong for people to deny. I believe that we would see drug addicts being freed from their addictions, sons and daughters returning to their fathers, the deaf ears opened, the blind eyes would see, the cancer would be cast out, and so on. The power of God is already in us, so I challenge you in this moment to start functioning in the power. Stop hoping and wishing that you could see miracles happen, and start believing that what you speak into existence will be, because our God who spoke life, resides in us.


Written By: Lindsey Eryn Clark


Photo of the Day

While in South Africa on Mystery Trip 2011, our team roamed the streets of the Cape Town with a mission: to bring love from above to the people of the city. Walking along the coast, our team ran into this sweet man who had traveled the world and had a story to tell. All he wanted was a listening ear. Our team sat down on the beach with him, listened to his stories, and introduced him to our Lord and Savior. It was on this day, that the love of Christ touched this man.

Photo Credit: Lindsey Eryn Clark

Photo of the Day

After a series of clues and challenges our interns found themselves on Cambodian soil on Mystery Trip 2010. For many of them, it was their first time to be in Asia. It didn't take long for the team to fall in love with the beautiful people. Everyday our team would go to the orphanage and this little girl would great our team with her playful spirit ready to play. Photo Credit: Lindsey Eryn Clark


Photo of the Day

Februray 2011, our team traveled to South Africa on the Mystery Trip. We had the opportunity to throw an event that gathered hundreds of village children to one central field. During the event we played games, had a talent show, and passed out soccer balls. After a full day of playing with our team, these little boys headed back to their home.

Photo of the Day

In June 2011 our team headed across the world to Cambodia, it was in this nation that our hearts were tugged. The people of Cambodia are hungry for a truth to cling to. In a little village outside of Kampong Thom, Matt Arbo, found a little girl who captured his heart. This little girl stuck by Arbo's side the whole time we were in her village. As the carnivals were going on, you could see Matt and this precious little girl dancing together.


Photo Credit: Lindsey Eryn Clark

Photo of the Day

Mystery Trip 2011 our team went to South Africa. During our time there, our team had the opportunity to host an event on the outskirts of Johannesburg. The event brought hundreds of children from miles around. It was an amazing time to share the love of God through games and dramas. Scanning your eyes through the field, you could see the children following team members including founder of Go International, Greg Baca.
Photo Credit: Lindsey Eryn Clark

12 Days of Christmas


It’s the season of giving, yet it seems that most the time, people end up more stressed than filled with good cheer. What if this season, we took the focus off ourselves (and filling up the space underneath the Christmas tree) and took time to bring good cheer and make a difference in the world around us?

Today starts the 12 days of Christmas, Go Style.

Over the next twelve days, we will be releasing 12 ways that you can spread good cheer  and make a difference in your local community and globally.


Day 1: Go Volunteer at a homeless shelter.

Get outside of your comfort zone, go volunteer at your local homeless shelter. Be a listening ear to those who just need a friend this season.

"He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done." Proverbs 19:17


Day 2: Cards with purpose

Give a gift that matters. Make a donation in honor of your loved ones and help spread the message of Christ in the world. With each donation of $25 we will send you a four pack of Christmas cards that you can in turn give to friends and family indicating that a donation has been made in their honor. Order Now. All authority in heaven and on earth has been give to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28.18-20
Day 3: Inspire someone to dream today; give them a Top 100 book.
We all have dreams and adventures that we want to go in life. Today, encourage one or two of your friends to pursue their dreams. Reassure them that the dreams they have deep down in their hearts are God given dreams. Give them a Top 100 book so that they have a place to right down all the dreams that they have. It’s been said that if you write down you’re dreams, you’ll be more likely to accomplish. So go out into your world and inspire people.Click here to get your Top 100 book now! 1 Thessalonians 5.11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.
Day 4: Be a voice to the voiceless and bring hope to the nations. Sign up for a missions trip with Go International. 
We live in a world that is searching for hope; that is in need of a light to cast out the darkness. This year come be a light to the nations. Join Go International as we travel to the nations bringing the message of Jesus Christ.Click here to learn more about Go Missions. How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns”. Isaiah 52.7

Day 5: Buy a gift certificate of $5-$25 in value from a grocery store and give it to someone in need.

If there is a poor man among you, one of your brothers, in any of the towns of the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand to your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks. Deut. 15:7


Day 6: Join the 120 Campaign

Buy a parcel. Build a farm. Individuals across the country are partnering with Go to build a farm for an orphanage in Cambodia by purchasing 1 parcel of land for $100. The farm that is built will have the ability to support and sustain an orphanage of 80 children.Today, be a part of creating lasting change in the lives of Cambodian orphans by purchasing a parcel for land this Christmas for $100.“Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.” Isaiah 1.17BUY A PARCEL

Day 7: Gather your old clothes and donate them to a charity organization. No matter who you are, you probably have clothes that you don’t use anymore. Instead of letting them sit in your closet, donate them to charity. Get your friends and family involved too.Those who are kind to the poor lend to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done. [Psalm 19.17]Day 8: 10 for 10 Campaign 

The 10 for 10 campaign is a simple campaigned designed to raise $100 for orphan projects. Ask ten people you know to sponsor you in this campaign for $10. The money you raise will go directly to making a difference in the lives of Cambodian and Haitian orphans.
Isaiah 1.17
Learn to do right! Seek justice! Encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.
Day 9: Sticky Inspiration 
We all have those days where we could use a little random encouragement. Get some post its and write some encouraging or inspirational notes on them-- take them and post them around your town in random places that people will find them.
But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," lest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Hebrews 3:13
Day 10: Light the World
Help bring light to the darkness and buy a Light the world T-Shirt to support global missions.
Want to make a global impact this Christmas? Purchase a Light the World T-shirt that will help bring the message of Jesus to the nations.
Day 11: Memory Lane

The easiest way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loudly for all to hear. The world is full of lonely people. Go to a local nursing home today and spread some Christmas cheer. Pass out cookies, flowers, candy, or sing carols to the residents. Strike up a conversation and reminisce with the residents about their favorite Christmas memories.
Day 12: Change for Change Take the day, next week, or even next month to collect loose change for global initiatives. Go around your community and ask those around you to donate their spare change to support global orphan projects.
"Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of all the down-and-outers. Speak out for justice! Stand up for the poor and destitute!"
Proverbs 31.9

Photo of the Day

February 2011, for the first time ever Go International stepped foot on African soil as we traveled to the nation of South Africa on the annual Mystery Trip. During our time there, our team was able to co-host a crusade right outside of Jo-berg. With a stage set up in an empty field, the team waited as thousands traveled to the crusade. That night, restoration came, as many who attended the crusade received Christ in their hearts and also healing in their bodies. This woman, stood in the sea of people receiving every word that was being spoken that night. Healing had come.

Photo of the Day

From Europe to Africa to The United States our team has traveled around the world doing the "Dream Campaign", an art campaign that encourages people to go after their dreams. This past October, our team went to San Diego for the National Youth Worker's Convention and had the opportunity to talk to leaders around the nation about what their dreams are. 
"My dream is a world where women are free from violence."
Photo Credit: Lindsey Eryn Clark

Photo of the Day

November 18,  a group of students in Norman joined Go International and Love Works Inc. and became Orphans for a Night. For one night, these students were able to spend a night in an orphan's reality. Through their one night on the streets, the students were able to raise funds in order to help the cause of global orphans. For more information on how to host Orphan for a Night in your city please visit: www.OrphanForANight.com or email: LindseyClark@gointernational.tv

Photo of the Day

Over the past year, Go International has partnered with individuals across the nation raising funds to build a farm in Cambodia. This past summer, our team had the opportunity to go see the land that was purchased for the farm. Upon completion, the farm will be able to sustain the orphanage that can house 80 orphans. Join us, and be a part of the Cambodia Farm Project. For more information email: LindseyClark@GoInternational.tv

Photo of the Day

Summer 2011, Go International and a team of 28 traveled to the far corners of the earth to Cambodia. It was in this nation that our team had the opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission: to make disciples of all nations. Down the dirt paths, our team encountered beautiful faces that were thirsty for a truth and a love that would bring them life. Photo Credit: Dodge & Bel Pangburn

Photo of the Day

In 2010, the Go Interns traveled to Bangkok, Thailand on the annual Mystery Trip. On one of their ministry challenges in the city, the team broke up into small groups to go light the world. One team had the opportunity to speak life into this young adult and his dreams. Love is Now.

Photo Credit: Lindsey Eryn Clark

Photo of the Day

As the team traveled to Cambodia this past summer, they were eager to share love with the children of Cambodia and the village. Everywhere you turned, you could be sure to find our staff member Jon Adams with a beautiful Cambodian child latched onto him. It was such a beautiful sight to see the team be Jesus to the team as they loved the children with the unconditional love of the Father. Photo Credit: Dodge & Bel Pangburn