In October of 2012 Greg and Christa Baca packed up life in Tulsa, OK, shut down their stateside offices, and moved their family to the nation of Ecuador to launch the very first Go International South American Base.  The base is located in the capital city of Quito in order to best serve the metropolitan community.



The world around us has changed.  

Technology has evolved and thus, humanity as we know it has been forever altered. Places and people groups  that were once cut off from civilization have become instantly connected through the internet, satellite TV and cell phones. We believe that this mandates that we change as well.  Not in our message, but perhaps our methods.  What once seemed to work does not work anymore.  Creativity is needed. Knowledge of technology is needed. We believe that a new era of leaders must be trained with the tools they need to reach their generation.

The Go base serves as a training ground for this new breed of leaders.  It is with these leaders in mind that we have created the Submerge program;  an eight month overseas experience that combines mission projects, creativity, and classroom training. Submerge combines what was once learned in a classroom setting (and then hopefully put into practice later)   into one learning and implementation experience.  Classes are designed to sharpen and develop the creative skill sets of the students, giving them the tools they need to excel in any work environment.  No matter what field these new leaders will go into they will learn practical tools that will translate into direct results for their lives.

Our hope is that we could redefine the term “Missionary” to be less about geography and more about people who go into their world fully understanding their mission in life. We believe that each of us has a mission that we must discover; unearth, and use our skills in that field to bring change in our world.  

For those whose mission is to serve overseas, what better way  to learn than by living on the mission field?  By efficiently training missionaries overseas,  we hope eradicate the stall-out  that comes in-between training and moving internationally.  Many of those students who feel a call towards living overseas will have access to prospective ministry opportunities upon graduating with our various ministry affiliates.


At Go International we believe in shining God’s love in the darkest of places and bringing hope to those who desperately need it most. The Base serves as a hub for a wide array of ministry that we are conducting throughout the city and surrounding areas.  We seek to build bridges with church communities in our city and together reach out to the world around us.  Utilizing creative campaigns and widening the exposure of these campaigns online via social networking, we cast a wide net to a variety of people.


We believe wholeheartedly that when sharing our faith, it is important to plug people into a healthy and thriving church community. We have partnered with a church body whose mission is to plant churches throughout South America.